Park Rules 2024/2025
PARK RULESClick the button below to view the full list of Sutton Bay Park rules.
Winter Access Regulations
Winter Access RegulationsClick the button below to view the full list of Winter Access Regulations.
Barrels have been set up near the garbage trailer and labelled as follows:
• POP Cans
• Beer Cans
• Liquor, Beer and Wine Bottles (Glass and Plastic)
• Metal and Glass or General Recycle (For Paper, plastic, Styrofoam, metal cans, etc. as per the Harris Twps. requirements).
Please burn the recyclable paper and cardboard as much as reasonably possible.
Please be careful when putting glass in the barrels. Broken glass is dangerous to the volunteers emptying the barrels
Cancellation policy
Any cancellation before 72 hours of your check-in will result in a full refund.
Any cancellation within 72 hours of check-in will result in a hold back fee of 25%.